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Why I like My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Screenshot from "A Canterlot Wedding". One of my favourite episodes.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. You may or may not of heard of it. It aimed at young girls, around 5 up (I think). So why am I, a teenage girl, watching and liking, no, loving it? Not to mention that I'm not the only teenager liking it. Heck, people older than me love it, women and men (we call ourselves bronies and/or pegasisters, again may or may not of heard of them). So why is it so popular? Well I can't speak for everyone, but here is my reasons for being a fan.

1.Characters are relatable

They may be ponies, but I can relate to all of them somehow anyway. I'm most like Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle (to all you bronies reading, yes this combination is possible, somehow), but at times find myself seeing other parts of my personality in Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and even the CMC. Take the episode 'Suited for Success'. Rarity offers to make all five of her friends, as well as herself, dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala. This is a huge task in itself, and then her friends don't really like her first designs, so se redoes them all until her friends are happy. Talk about stress. She knows that they are horrible but still puts her fashion career at risk when she still goes on with the fashion show to showcase the dresses in front of mega fashion designer Hoity Toity, because her friends are happy. I would do that! Well, if I could make dresses, but that's beside the point.

2. The Songs

I have always loved musicals, so any show that has characters bursting into song every few episodes or so is awesome in my book. That's why I like Phineas and Ferb as well. Some of my personal favourites include: This Day Aria. Smile Smile Smile, Raise This Barn, Babs Seed, What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me, Winter Wrap Up and Giggle at the Ghostie.

I'm most like Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle (to all you bronies reading, yes this combination is possible, somehow

3. It's funny, happy, uplifting etc. etc.

One of the reasons I don't watch a lot of tv is that so many shows are so dang depressing. I can't stand drama! Also soap operas suck. It's so refressing to watch a show that I can smile all way through and know that in the end everything is going to be fine! Sure, the show has its moments (I cried during the BBBFF reprise, and was sad during the whole discorded ponies part) but mostly it's so dang happy! AND THATS SOOOOO AWESOME!!!

4. It's a cartoon

I really like cartoons

5.The friendship lessons

They are lesson we need to know at some point in our lives

6) Pinkie Pie

I'm not going to lie, Pinkie is the reason I got into this show in the first place 😄

So that's why I love this show so much.


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