Who is this mysterious new Thor? Well the Odinson is on a mission to find out! Seriously he has a list of suspects. Meanwhile the All-father is pissed that a woman has taken his son's hammer and running around being awesome. Plus Thor is fighting the Absorbing Man, who is pretty angry that she exists and her and Freyja have a nice little chat on the moon. This issue was really cool and probably my favourite so far. Sidenote: I wasn't able to finish my review of issue four before this issue was released, hence no review for that, and I was away for a month during the time issue three was released. Sorry about that. Anyway, back to the comic. We have a different artist on this issue by the name of Jorge Molina. Even though it's a different artist, I still really liked the art, especially the strong lines, that just kind of my thing. I get the feeling that Jason Aaron is really enjoy's keeping Thor's identity from us. C'mon dude, it's been five issues!!! Thought there is a few storylines going on, the comic flows together nicely, and the separate stories don't feel jarring. Good job to all!! Spoilers under the cut.
So, the Odinson's storyline in this issue is him desperately trying to find out who new Thor is. I feel you man. His list of suspects is pretty much what other readers seem to think are Thor's secret identity, minus Loki, with most strongly convinced it's Roz Solomon, who was a character in the previous Thor series (Thor: God of Asgard), which I haven't gone and read yet because basically I suck :). This issue confirms thought that it's not Lady Sif, who he Odinson asks, and she's pretty mad about it. I think it it's logical to assume that Thor's identity is one of these on the list. From memory though I believe they ruled out even more of these suspects in the letter section a few issues back. Oh, the plot thickens! Thought at this point, I think its Roz too, mainly because that's what everyone is telling me, and I'm easily convinced.
Though Thor doesn't want anyone to know who she really is.
You know how I mentioned that Odin was pissed off about new Thor? Yeah, he is really, really, really pissed. Not only did he release his evil brother from prison and named him Royal Inquisitor and Minister of Justice, he's going to send the bloomin' Destroyer on her! Plus, he want her dead! Um, a little harsh don't you think All-Father. I can send you the calming cat gif for you do just calm down and let Thor do her thing. Please and thank you. Seriously mate, your son isn't bothered by his replacement so just let it go ok?
So thats pretty much it for this review. I enjoyed it and am now currently concerned for Thor's safety and pretty much everyone's safety now Odin's releasing the Destroyer.
Til next time. Bye!
What did you think of this issue? Let me know in the comments!
So thats pretty much it for this review. I enjoyed it and am now currently concerned for Thor's safety and pretty much everyone's safety now Odin's releasing the Destroyer.
Til next time. Bye!
What did you think of this issue? Let me know in the comments!